Both the nbsu and nbcplogs commands can be helpful in troubleshooting any NetBackup problems. The commands exist within the server and client distributions of NBU. Often, when raising a case with Veritas support, the support engineer will request a nbsu output and the relevant log output. The advantage nbcplogs has over nbsu is that it can gather the nbsu in addition to the available logs.
To gather both a nbsu and all available logging from the past 24 hours, the following command can be run
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/support/nbcplogs /tmp/`hostname`-nbcplogs --compress-before-bundle -d 24h
The above command will create 2 files in /tmp :
- A tarball of compressed logfiles called `hostname`-nbcplogs.tar
- A nbsu support file with a filename similar to `hostname`_master_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.tar.gz
The files can take a while to generate in large or busy environments. If a support case has been opened with Veritas then both files can be uploaded to Veritas for analysis. If the administrator is troubleshooting an issue with a NBU client or NBU server then the nbcplogs command can be run on the problem host and the files taken offline to be examined.
When the --compress-before-bundle option is used the individual log files gathered in the nbcplogs.tar file will be compressed and they will need to be expanded before they can be examined.
Most of the files generated by nbsu will be in ascii text so they can be easily read. The nbsu will generate a dump of the NetBackup configuration separated into a number of files. It will also gather the error log and the system messages. It is a great place to start troubleshooting a pr
To uncompress the files in one go first expand the tarfile then recursively uncompress the logfiles. Once the logfiles are expanded the unified logfiles can be reviewed with vxlogview.
# cd /path/to/directory/containing/tarball
# tar xvf ./`hostname`-nbcplogs.tar
# find . -name *.gz -exec gzip -d {} \;
On a NetBackup appliance the same command is run for nbcplogs from elevate mode.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/support/nbcplogs --compress-before-bundle -d 24h /log/netbackup/`hostname`-nbcplogs
- The command will create 2 files in the /log/netbackup/ directory.
- A tarball of compressed logfiles called `hostname`-nbcplogs.tar
- A nbsu support file with a filename similar to `hostname`_master_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.tar.gz.
To copy the files from the appliance :
- On the appliance, open the share to access the output files :
Main Menu -> Support -> Logs -> Share open
- This will create both a CIFS and NFS share at the following locations :
CIFS - \\`hostname`\logs
NFS - `hostname`:/log
- Map a drive to one of the two shares above with the username admin and the relevant password for the appliance
The output files will be held in the folder :
Please copy both files from the share and upload to the support case.
When you have finished copying the file you can close the share on the appliance via the :
Main Menu -> Support -> Logs -> Share close
If NetBackup is down and will not start then the following commands should be run for both nbcplogs and nbsu
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/support/nbcplogs --compress-before-bundle -d 24h --no-nbsu
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/support/nbsu -nbu_down